How to Determine Your Kibbe Body Type

IMPORTANT: This post is now outdated. For a newer version of the test, check out my 2020 version.

The Kibbe Body Types are a series of 13 body types, which are broken down into 5 families: romantics, classics, dramatics, naturals, and gamines. If you want to learn more about these types, check out my post An Overview of the Kibbe Body Types.

What I like about the Kibbe body types is that the clothing, makeup, and hair suggestions for each type aren’t trying to ‘correct’ things like in other body typing systems. Instead the suggestions are lines and silhouettes that coordinate with your body.

If you’re interested in this system, this post is a small test that will let you figure out your Kibbe body type. This test is largely based off of the one from Kibbe’s book Metamorphosis, but I have made a couple of changes for clarity’s sake.

To start, you need to be able to analyze your own body. If possible, take a picture of yourself in a swimsuit or underwear, and make sure that you’re standing straight, and that the camera is neither too high nor too low (around chest-level works well).

If you’re not comfortable taking a picture of yourself, then you can use a mirror for this test. I slightly prefer a mirror myself, since sometimes a camera’s lens can cause distortion, and it can be difficult to take a picture of oneself without anyone else helping.

Now that you’ve seen your body, it’s time to start the test.

IMPORTANT: This post is now outdated. For a newer version of the test, check out my 2020 version.

Make sure you have a piece of paper where you can write down your answers to each question. Also, please make sure that you write down which section each answer is for! Even better is if you can write down which question each answer is for, but I understand if you’re not comfortable doing that.

For example, something like this will work well:
Bone Structure: 3B 1A
Flesh: 4D 1B
Facial Features: 2D 2E 2B

Instead of this:
1A 6B 6D 2E

That way, if you need help figuring out what your body type is, I can help you more easily. It will also help you figure things out if you’re confused between two or more body types. Or if you want some help figuring out your body type, I do offer consultations, where I will determine your body type for you.

Also, please choose the answer that best describes your body. Our bodies are more on a spectrum than in discreet shapes, so not every answer will fit perfectly, especially if you’re young and your body is still changing.

First we’ll start with the overall bone structure.

Overall Bone Structure.

1. How long is your vertical line?

Another way to ask is this, is how tall do you look? If you have a small head compared to your shoulders, you will look taller. If you have a large head compared to your shoulders, you will look shorter.

My vertical line is:

A) Long (I look taller than I actually am)
B) Moderately long (I look like I’m slightly taller than I actually am, but not by very much)
C) Moderate (I look to be my actual height)
D) Smallish (I look slightly shorter than my actual height)
E) Petite (I look shorter than I actually am)

2. What’s the shape of your shoulders?

Be careful about your posture when answering this question, as slouching can change the silhouette of your shoulders.

My shoulders are:

A) Sharp, narrow
B) Blunt, broad
C) Moderate, even
D) Sloped, tapered (can be a bit sharp, but still sloped)
E) Sloped, rounded

3. How long do your arms and legs look in comparison to your body?

This is in proportion to your body, specifically your torso. Even if you’re short, you can still have long legs or arms compared to your torso, and vice versa. If you’re not sure how to check this, just put your arms to the sides of your body, and see how far down your thigh your fingertips end.

Answer C will end at about the halfway length of your thighs, so if you have shorter arms, you’re answer E or D, if you have longer arms, you’re answer A or B.

Make sure to relax your arms while doing this, as stretching them out will make them seem longer than they are.

My arms and legs are:

A) Elongated, narrow
B) Elongated, broad
C) Moderate, even in proportion to my height and torso
D) Small, slightly short
E) Small, very short in proportion to my height and torso

4. What are the size and shape of your hands and feet in comparison to the rest of your body?

My hands and feet are:

A) Long, narrow
B) Large, broad
C) Moderate, neither very large nor very small
D) Small, narrow, delicate
E) Small, slightly wide

Next we have the flesh on your body. Please note, that body fat doesn’t effect this answer. This is about the overall look of your flesh, your skin and muscles.

As an example as to why: some people have very soft and puffy cheeks, even when underweight. Other people have very tight skin on their cheekbones, even when overweight.

If you’re still curious about this, here’s a video that explains why body fat doesn’t effect your Kibbe body type. It’s by Merriam Style, one of my favorite ‘Kibbe Body Types’ YouTubers, and she has wonderful content that analyzes all the different body types.

Flesh on the Body.

5. What’s the overall shape of your body?

This question takes into account both how your torso, waist, and hips look, and also the general look of your arms and legs. We’ll be getting into some specifics soon though, so if you’re confused by this question, try returning to it after doing the next few questions.

The overall shape of my body is:

A) Long, lean, dry
B) Broad, tending toward muscular
C) Moderate, even
D) Shapely, a delicate hourglass
E) Very soft, lushly curved, a ripe hourglass

6. What’s the shape of your bust line, or upper torso?

This question refers to the shape of the bust, and also includes some descriptions for gaining weight, since some body types gain flesh here easily. The actual cup size of your bra doesn’t matter here, since the bust line is relative to the shape of your body.

The overall shape of my bust line is:

A) Flat, taut (I never seem to add flesh here, even when overweight)
B) Wide, broad (I add a little flesh here when overweight, but not very much)
C) Moderate, in even proportion to my waist and hips
D) Shapely, curved, more prominent then my waistline (I tend to add flesh here when overweight)
E) Very prominent (whether I’m thin or heavy, I’m always busty)

7. What’s the shape of your waistline?

Again, this question is in proportion to the bust and hips.

The overall shape of my waistline is:

A) Elongated, but boyishly tapered (even when overweight)
B) Elongated, but broad
C) Moderate, slightly defined
D) Very small in proportion to my bust and hips
E) Softly defined, but tends to be slightly wide

8. What’s the overall shape of your hips?

Like the last two questions, this question is in proportion to the rest of your body.

The overall shape of my hips is:

A) Tapered, straight, narrow (but I do thicken here when overweight)
B) Straight, slightly tapered, and slightly wide (weight collects on the hips)
C) Moderate, in even proportion to my bust and waist
D) Shapely and rounded, more pronounced then my waistline
E) Extremely soft and rounded (whatever my weight is)

9. What best describes the flesh on your upper arms and thighs?

One good way to test this is to feel the flesh on your upper arms and thighs. I work out almost every day and I’m very thin, but my flesh is still squishy and soft, therefore I have answer D flesh.

The flesh on my upper arms and thighs are:

A) Long, slender, sinewy
B) Elongated, tending towards muscular
C) Moderate
D) Soft, slightly short
E) Very soft, slightly wide and fleshy

Now we have the facial features. Make sure that you aren’t wearing heavy makeup that would interfere with seeing the shape of facial features, such as contouring, or overly lined lips.

Facial Features.

10. What’s the shape of your jawline?

My jawline is:

A) Sharp, either very pointed or very square
B) Broad, blunt, slightly wide
C) Moderate, neither wide, sharp, nor rounded
D) Delicate, tapered, or slightly narrow
E) Rounded or softly wide

11. What’s the shape of your nose?

In the picture below, it may be a bit difficult to see the difference between the B option and the E option. That’s because the difference is in the bridge of the nose. B noses that broad and wide bridges, E noses have smaller and rounder bridges.

My nose is:

A) Sharp or prominent
B) Broad or blunt, on the large side
C) Moderate (not very large or small, not very rounded or sharp)
D) Delicate, tapered, narrow
E) Rounded or softly wide

12. What’s the shape of your cheekbones?

Ignore the flesh of your cheeks and look just at the shape of your cheekbones for this question. You may need to feel the bones to get your answer, especially if you have very full flesh.

My cheekbones are:

A) High and prominent
B) Wide
C) Moderate
D) Delicate, narrow, and slightly rounded
E) Rounded

13. What’s the shape of your eyes?

My eyes are:

A) Narrow, straight, closely spaced
B) Narrow, straight, widely spaced
C) Evenly spaced, moderately sized
D) Rounded or upturned, slightly close together
E) Very round and very large

14. What’s the shape of your lips?

My lips are:

A) Straight, narrow (possibly described as thin lips)
B) Straight, strong, broad (but not full)
C) Moderate, even (not very straight, but not very full)
D) Slightly full and rounded
E) Very full and very rounded

15. What best describes the flesh on your cheekbones?

Remember, this isn’t the bone itself, but the skin and muscle that covers it.

My cheeks are:

A) Flat and taut (and tend to stay tight when overweight)
B) Fairly tight or muscular, but I tend to get a bit puffy when I put on weight
C) Moderate, slightly soft
D) Soft and fleshy (gets very full with excess weight)
E) Very round and fleshy (stays round and fleshy even when thin or underweight)

Normally there is also a question about hair texture and curliness, but since hair can be manipulated so easily with curlers, straight irons, extensions, etc. I prefer to disregard this question.

Now let’s move on to the results, on the next page!

1,663 thoughts on “How to Determine Your Kibbe Body Type

  1. Hey Rebekah, I’m a bit confused with where my results leave me.

    Bone Structure:

    Q1) B
    Q2) C
    Q3) A
    Q4) A


    Q5) A
    Q6) C
    Q7) C
    Q8) B
    Q9) A

    Facial Features:

    Q10) D
    Q11) A
    Q12) C
    Q13) C
    Q14) E
    Q15) B

    Thank you very much!


    1. Hello, thank you for doing this, it’s so much easier with pictures. I’m still not sure what my body type is from the results though, I’d appreciate if you could help me out a bit.

      Bone Structure:

      Body Flesh:

      Facial Bones:


    2. Hi Rebekah, this is a great but my answers have me a little confused
      Bone structure 1A 2B
      Arms / legs 3C 4E
      Flesh on body 5B 6B
      Waist 7B 8A
      Arms / thighs 9D
      Jawline 10C
      Nose 11C
      Cheekbones 12A
      Eye shape 13C
      Mouth shape 14C
      Flesh on cheeks 15B
      Any help would be greatly appreciated 😊


    3. Heyy!
      Thanks for this, very easy to follow unlike other Kibbe tests! However I’m not completely sure about my results , I’d appreciate it if you could help interpret them. Thanks x !

      Bone structure
      1) D
      2) C
      3) D
      4) B

      Body Flesh
      5) C
      6) E
      7) C
      8) C
      9) E

      Facial Structure
      10) D
      11) A
      12) D
      13) E
      14) E
      15) D


    4. Hi Rebekah!
      I’d be very grateful if you could help me figure out what type I have.

      Bone structure: 4C
      Body flesh: 3D 2A
      Facial features: 4A 2D

      Thank you!


  2. Hi Rebekah! I love your work!
    I’d be very grateful if you could help me figure out what type I have. So far I’ve been typed theatrical romantic, soft natural, and dramatic classic. (Which seems to be the most accurate out of the three!)

    Bone structure:
    1b 2a 3a 4c

    Flesh on body:
    5c 6c 7c 8c 9b

    Facial features:
    10d 11a 12d 13c 14c 15e

    Thanks again!


  3. Hi Rebekah, I’ve been through every body type except C, TC, N, FN, D, SF. I’m thinking I’m some kind of Gamine because of the makeup but I’m overweight, mostly at the stomach so its hard to get the same answers every time. This time I took a photo from a distance because holding my phone to a mirror wasn’t accurate at all.

    Bone Structure:


    Flesh on the body:

    6. c
    8. b

    Facial features:



  4. Hi Rebekah, thanks so much for putting this together! I’m confused because I have a mix of yin/yang overall, although it’s not mixed within the categories but rather across the categories. Bone Structure: 2C/2D. Flesh: 3D/1A/1C. Facial Features: all A. I believe I have a yin body with a yang face, everything pretty narrow with curvy figure. I considered theatrical romantic but I really don’t have any yin to my face so it didn’t seem like a good fit. Possibly soft gamine? But I thought gamines required more of a mix within each section of questions. Would appreciate your help — thanks very much!


      1. Thanks so much, Rebekah! I had considered that as well because Jennifer Live Hewitt has a similar structure and is FG despite her curvy figure. I really appreciate your input! I’ll check out the Pinterest board 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi again. I just realized I did it wrong. 😛 here are my actual results:
    Bone structure: 4A
    Flesh: 1A, 3C, 1D
    Facial: 1A, 2C, 2D, 1E
    I am 25 years old, 5’10, and small boned. I do have curves though, I have hips and a decent bust. So I am confused, lol.


  6. Hello Rebekah, I am 5.3-5.4, I have a small chest and a hint of a waist but round bum and strong legs and full thighs. I got the following results:

    Bone structure: 1D 2A 3C 4E
    Flesh 5D 6B 7C 8D 9D
    Facial features: 10C 11B 12C 13C 14C 15D

    I am going back and forth between SC, SR and TR, Please help 🙂


  7. My results show Classic but I am only 5’ tall. am sure that I’m not Gamine.

    1. C
    2. B
    3. A
    4. A
    5. B
    6. B
    7. E
    8. C
    9. C
    10. D
    11. C
    12. C
    13. C
    14. C
    15. D

    Thank you very much for your advice!


  8. Hi Rebekah,
    thank you so much for your post! Could you help me to figure out my type? I‘m quite confused, because I figured my amount of „D“ would mean I‘m a theatrical romantic, but I don‘t really fit the description of the type (6ft, small eyes)

    Here are my results:
    Bone structure: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4C
    Body flesh: 5D, 6B, 7D, 8D, 9D
    Facial features: 10D, 11B, 12D, 13A, 14D, 15D

    Thank you very much!


  9. So sorry, I keep seeing I messed up. Okay so the face and still the bone structure I didn’t select correctly…So here is my results…I think I’m some kind of soft gamine or maybe classic but not sure because I’m 5’7 with a small head and people think I’m taller than I am.



    (The last one, 16 which you don’t have is a clear ‘A’ for me also).
    Thanks again ❤️🌷


  10. Hi Rebekah! I think this is a very interesting framework and I’ve definitely learned how different the objective look of my body can be from my self-conception! I’ve gone through the questions twice, getting SC and then TR a few weeks later.
    I’m 5’11” though, and that seems to conflict with both those ideas hah maybe I’m still not all that objective

    I have another question, though! I have a mild case of scoliosis, basically the result is that my shoulders are at slightly different heights / off-centered, and my waist appears to be differently defined / at a different height on either side of my body. I think I sort of give the impression of an hourglass with the ratio between my shoulders/waist/hips because I do not have a super full bust but by shoulders are pretty wide and my waist is defined. However, because of this the effect of the crookedness is pretty pronounced and it almost feels like I am two types split down the middle haha do you have any experience or advice for typing yourself despite subtle asymmetries like this? Maybe I just need to a have a stranger look at my answers for me or something lol


    1. Thanks for asking, Edna!

      I know that there’s division in the community about how height affects body type, but I’m on the side of ‘height doesn’t restrict body type’.

      For the crookedness thing, I know what you mean, I have the same issue with my hips and waist (one side of my rib cage is significantly narrower than the other side, and my hip bone is slightly more prominent on that side too), so one side of me is more of an A + B answers for my waist and hips, and the other side looks more D + C for my waist and hips. But I’m a soft gamine, so my mixture of answers there just fits in with my mixture of answers everywhere else.

      You could write down both answers that you have for each question, and see how your results are shaped by that. I hope that helps!


  11. Hi there, I’ve taken this quiz a few times over the past few years.
    At first I thought I was tr, then sd, now I’m not sure.
    1B 2B 3B 4E
    5C 6C 7C 8C 9D
    10B 11B 12A 13 E 14D 15D

    I’m 5 ft. 0.
    Thank you!


  12. Hi Rebekah! I hope you are having a nice day. I am very confused about my body type. I keep ending up with soft classic but when dressing up I don’t find classic style clothes attractive on me. I lean towards natural types. My answers are Bone structure: 3C 1E, Flesh: 2E 1D 1C 1B, Facial: 2E 2C 1B 1D. Can you help me please? Thank you so much 🙂


  13. Hi Rebekah! Thanks for creating this test. I am a bit confused with my results, and I’ve taken the assessment around three times and have gotten TR, SN, and SG.

    Bone Structure: B B C A
    Flesh: B D E B D
    Facial Features: D B E A D D


  14. Hi there,I need help to determine my type :)))
    Bone structure 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B
    Body flesh: 5.D 6.B 7.E 8.D 9.D
    Facial features: 10.E 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.D 15.D


  15. Hello, thank you so much for putting this together! I’ve tried taking this test before, but your illustrations made it so much easier to answer the questions while looking in a mirror.

    I’m wondering whether my results line up better with Soft Classic or Theatrical Romantic. The clothing picks for both styles resonate with what I’ve found to look good on me, but it would be nice know which direction to go for my main inspiration. What are the biggest discerning features between these two types?

    1 b bone structure
    2 c shoulders
    3 d arm/leg length
    4 d/e hands/feet
    5 c flesh
    6 b bust
    7 c waistline
    8 d hips
    9 d arm/thigh flesh
    10 c/d/e jawline
    11 c/d nose
    12 c/d cheekbones
    13 a eyes
    14 d lips
    15 d cheekbones


    1. Thanks for commenting, Brianna! Based on your results, I’d say that you’re a theatrical romantic, but you are pretty much on the cusp between the two based on those results. The difference between the two is that soft classics tend to have more balance in their bone structure, and theatrical romantics tend to have slightly more delicate bone structure.

      Here’s the link to my TR Pinterest board: Also, I do body type consultations, so let me know if you want to do a consult!


  16. Hey Rebekah, please help me 🙂 I got these answers:
    Bone structure: 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c
    Body flesh: 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9d
    Facial features: 10d, 11e, 12d, 13d, 14c
    Thank you !


  17. Hi Rebekah!
    So, my results are:
    I am not sure whether that would be dramatic classic, or some type of gamine?


  18. Hi Rebekah, I’ve stumbled across Kibbe body types about 2 weeks ago and I’m still not quite sure what exactly my Kibbe body type is. I hope you can help me.

    Here is my result:
    bone structure: 3d 1a
    flesh: 3d 1b 1c
    facial features: 3e 2d 1b
    I don’t know if this would help but my height is 5’2″


  19. Hi Rebekah! I am quite confused on my type 🙂

    Bone structure: 1c, 2a, 3a, 4d
    Body flesh: 5a (or c?), 6d, 7c, 8c, 9d
    Facial features: 10d, 11b, 12d, 13a, 14c, 15d

    I am pretty lean, with skinny arms and legs, but also have a full bust and pretty defined waist (not much in terms of hips though, so I can’t say I’m an hourglass). I also have an oval, smallish round eyes, and a larger nose. My shoulders are straight but narrow.

    Thank you!


  20. Hello Rebekah!
    Your guide is so detailed and helpful but I am quite confused about me. I am very slender, I have an underweight from my childhood. My body is looking ideal like pure dramatic type, but my face is quite rounded with big round eyes and lips. I look very tall and lean with small muscles. Can you help me identify my type? My answers look like this:

    Bone structure
    1A 2A 3A 4A

    5A 6A 7C 8A 9A

    Facial features
    10E 11c 12c 13E 14E 15C


  21. Hey Rebekah, thank you so much for this. I’m a little confused. Could you please help me out?

    Bone structure:
    1) a
    2) b
    4) a

    Flesh on the body :
    5) d
    6) a
    9) a

    Facial features
    10) e
    11) e
    12) b
    13) e
    14) d
    15) e

    Thank you so much!!


    1. Hi
      Im still a little confused. Im around 5ft6.5inchs around 8&1/2stone. I have quite big wide prominent hips but there not super soft or fleshy. Bottom half is small; small butt and thin legs.
      I put weight on face, boobs and stomach. Broad shoulders.
      Hands and feet medium wideish. Size 6 feet.
      Rounded nose, almond smallish eyes, thin small lips, highish cheek bones, narrower chin but not pointy or wide but has shape, small forhead.


      Would appreciate any help?


  22. Hey Rebekah! I’ve been trying to figure my body type out for a while and am still very confused. Thanks so much!

    Bone structure
    1. C
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B

    5. B
    6. B
    8. A
    9. C

    Facial Features
    10. D
    11. B
    12. A
    13. B
    14. D
    15. B


  23. Hi Rebekah,

    This is challenging, I’m torn on a lot of my answers. I’m very tall, with long legs, a relatively short torso, and moderate arms. I’m quite curvy with defined (but not small) waist. Here are my results, I look forward to your assessment:
    1. C
    2. C
    3. C
    4. E

    5. E
    6. D
    7. E
    8. E
    9. E

    10. D
    11. E
    12. A
    13. B
    14. C
    15. D


  24. Hey Rebekah,

    I’m super confused by my type.

    I’ve got:

    Bone: BBDE
    Flesh: BBCDE
    Face: CBCDCD

    so it’s a pretty even mix of B, C and D.

    Can you help?

    Thanks so much for all your work,


  25. hi Rebekah , I’ve got:

    1. D
    2. C
    3. A
    4. A

    5. C
    6. C
    7. C
    8. A
    9. D

    10. E
    11. A
    12. E
    13. E
    14. D
    15. E


  26. Hi Rebekah, thanks for the interesting post!

    I’m not quite sure what type I am. I read your overview of the body types and wondered if I’m a soft dramatic or dramatic classic, since I have more angular bone structure but softer flesh and facial features.

    Here are my answers:
    Bone structure: 1C, 2B, 3A, 4A
    Flesh: 5D, 6C, 7D, 8D, 9A
    Facial features: 10D, 11D, 12D, 13C, 14C, 15A

    I’m also 5’10” and look about that height, if it matters.


  27. Hello, could you help me to determine my type? I’m a little confused. My answers:
    1.D 2.E 3.D 4.E
    5.E 6.E 7.D 8.E 9.E
    10.B 11.B 12.E
    13.E 14.C 15.D
    Thank you!


  28. Im confused!
    These are my answers.
    1. A
    2. C
    3. A
    4. A

    5. A
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. C

    10. C
    11. C
    12. C
    13. C
    14. C
    15. C
    (I am very tall (6 feet) and that makes some of this very hard to answer i think, when it refers to “in conparison with my height”.)



    1. Thanks for commenting, Josefine! The ‘in comparison with your height’ just means to look at all your features relative to each other, rather than comparing to someone else. For example, my mother and I have almost the exact same arm length, but we have a significant height difference. Because I’m quite short my arms look pretty long in comparison to the rest of my body.

      Based on your results, I’d say that you’re a dramatic classic. Here’s the link to my DC Pinterest board:


  29. Hi Rebekah! So I’ve been torn between 2 types because of my results. I think I’m either dramatic classic or flamboyant natural. I’m 5’7 so I’m not too tall or too short and I look my height and I don’t think I’m very broad, but I also have pretty long and large hands and a slightly bigger bustline than hipline. I’m very confused and was wondering if you would be able to help me. Thank you very much!

    Bone structure
    1. C
    2. C
    3. A
    4. A

    Body Flesh
    1. C
    2. C
    3. C
    4. A
    5. B

    Facial Features
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. A
    5. C
    6. B


  30. So, “mostly A” will invariably lead to Dramatic, even if “B” answers include things like broad shoulders?


      1. Hi Rebekah,

        Genuinely confused as to what my results are – would you be able to chime in on what my kibbe type might be? My thinking is that I might be a gamine, soft natural, or soft classic. Much thanks!

        Bone: 1B, 2B, 3C, 4C
        Flesh: 5C, 6B, 7C, 8D, 9D
        Face: 10D, 11B, 12D, 13C, 14E, 15B

        Thanks for the quiz, love how you included the images!


    1. Thank you, Matthew! I know that Aly Art has a couple of videos on the body types of men, but I haven’t really seen anyone adapt Kibbe’s ideas for men’s styles. It is an idea that interests me though, so I’ll let you know if I do any post on menswear for the body types.

      Here are the links to Aly’s videos:


  31. Hi, Rebekah. I’m pretty confused about my answers in the test. Can you help me to figure out?
    Here are my answers,


  32. I’m always confused (but the pics help a lot!), as I am very short (4’11” but ALMOST 5′) yet my limbs are long for my height (possibly due to hEDS/hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), and when no other humans are in the picture I “photograph tall”. When people meet me in person they are shocked at how small I am. I’m super lean and very angular and my normal lifelong bodyweight has been 86. (For reference, my ring size is 2.5 and my shoe size is a 4.5/kids 2.5) Help?

    Bone Structure:


    Facial Features:


    1. Oh wow, you actually sound very similar to me! I’m 5’2″ but with long limbs for my height and a very narrow bone structure people tend to guess my height in photos as being much taller than I am (as long as I’m in the photo alone).

      I’m a soft gamine, because I have a lot of mixture of answers, but despite my long limbs and looking taller than I am, I still have overall more soft answers than sharp ones. But based on your results, I’d say you’re probably a flamboyant gamine, since you also have a mixture of answers, but with more sharpness overall. Here’s the link to my FG Pinterest board:

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Hi, thank you for the test!

    I’m also slightly confused about my type. Since I’m so tall 5’11 according to Kibbe I can only be Dramatic, Flamboyant natural or Soft dramatic. Based just answers and forgetting height, I would say I am DC. Could I be mixture of Dramatic and Flamboyant natural? When I’m wearing Flamboyant natural’s unconstructed lines I feel bit sloppy and I feel that my shoulders cannot handle very unconstructed oversized garments. In very tailored and stiff dramatic outfits I just feel they’re, well, too dramatic because I don’t have sharp bones and I still have some fleshy features. Soft dramatic doesn’t feel right because I don’t really have curves.

    Bone structure:
    1. B (I actually think that I Iook as tall as I am, no shorter or taller so C, but since I’m actually tall and it’s propably feature people notice first, I choose B for a compromise)
    2. D
    3. C
    4. A

    5. C
    6. A
    7. B
    8. B
    9. C

    Facial features:
    10. D
    11. C
    12. B
    13. A
    14. D
    15. D

    Thank you for helping people! 🙂


  34. Hi Rebekah!

    What a great post! Any help would be appreciated as I feel I have a face that doesn’t fit my body, so I’m not sure how to categorise myself overall!




    Thank you very much!


  35. Hi, Rebekah. I’m confused!
    These are my answers.

    Bone Structure:


    Facial Features:
    My height is 1.66 cm


  36. Hi, Rebekah. The pictures helped but I’m pretty confused about my mixed answers. Can you help me?
    Here are my answers:


  37. Hi Rebekah! This is so helpful. Thank you. Taking pictures helped. I would love your opinion on my type based on my responses to the questions. I think maybe Dramatic Classic??

    1) C
    2) A
    3) C
    4) C
    5) A
    6) A
    7) C
    8) A
    9) A
    10) A
    11) C
    12) A
    13) C
    14) C
    15) C


  38. Hi Rebekah,
    I’m a bit confused about my body type. Can you help me regarding the same.
    The measurement are:
    1. A
    2. A
    3. A
    4. A
    5. D
    6. D
    7. D
    8. D
    9. Here for my arms I have got A and for my legs I have got E
    10. B
    11. E
    12. A
    13. A
    14. C
    15. D


  39. Hello! Any feedback appreciated.

    Bone Structure: 1C 2D 1E
    Flesh: 5E
    Facial Features: 1B 2D 3E

    I’m guessing Romantic as the most likely answer, but I do have a prominent nose – to my eyes anyways – and height wise I don’t look really short. I’m about 5ft 4 and appear that height. I have considered Theatrical Romantic but I don’t really see sharpness and narrowness to myself. I also wondered if Soft Natural or Soft Classic could fit though I found I didn’t really relate the many of the B answers.


    1. Thanks for commenting, Jen! I’d say that your results do line up with being a romantic. Don’t worry about your nose being an outlying feature, as it’s all about the overall balance of the body, and just one feature can’t really sway your results to an entirely different body type. Plus it’s pretty common for people to have a feature or two that doesn’t quite fit with their body type.

      Here’s the link to my romantic Pinterest board:


      1. Thank you so much for replying so soon! I have always felt wider than I actually am and I think that could be so do with being Romantic. I look forward to really exploring this ID in full and trying out those styles 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  40. Bone structure: b b c d
    Flesh : d c c e c
    Facial features: c e a c d d
    What I am? Can u help me find my body type and abt the height I’m 5’2 feet


  41. Hi Rebekah,
    I’m a bit confused whether I’m soft dramatic or a gamine (which gamine I don’t know either)
    The measurements are
    1. A
    2. A
    3. À
    4. A
    5. D
    6. D
    7. D
    8. D
    9. A
    10. A
    11. E
    12. A
    13. À
    14. A
    15. D


  42. Hi Rebekah,
    Hope its not too late to ask for advice!
    Im very confused as I’m a (pear shape)
    Small waist and wider hips but no cleavage.
    Im also 5’6 (167.5cm)
    With long legs and arms and utterly confused about my shape.
    Hope you can help!
    look forward to hearing from you

    *Overall Bone Structure*
    1.A my vertical line is long
    2.D my shoulders are sloped
    3.A my arms are elongated narrow
    4.A my hands and feet are long and narrow

    *Flesh on the Body*
    5.D shapely delicate hourglass
    6.B wide and broad chest
    7.D very small waist
    8.D hips are shapely and rounded
    9.E flesh on my arms is soft and squishy

    *Facial Features*
    10.C my jawline is moderate
    11.E my nose is rounded
    12.A my cheekbones are high
    13.C my eyes are moderate and evenly spaced
    14.D my lips are slighlt full rounded
    15.B my cheeks are fairly tight


  43. Hi Rebekah,
    I believe I’m in the gamine family, but I can’t quite pinpoint which subtype I fall under. Here are my answers:
    Bone structure: 1D, 2A, 3A, 4D
    Body flesh: 5D, 6A, 7C, 8B, 9A
    Facial features: 10B, 11D, 12D, 13E, 14C, 15A

    I would really appreciate your help! Thanks 🙂


  44. Hi! I’ve done the test so many times and the results still don’t resonate, could you please help! I’m around 6ft tall, people tell me im long and have long legs, but when i read the questions it seems like my limbs are actually proportionate to my body… Here are my results:

    Bone structure:
    1a, 1b, 3a, 4a,

    5c, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9c,

    Facial features:
    10c, 11b, 12a, 13c, 14d, 15c

    Thanks so much!


  45. Hi Rebekah! hope you are having a great day! your test was truly helpful! my majority of answers are D and E. Does that make me a theatrical romantic? My doubt comes from the fact that im 1.73 m (i think its 5 feet 8), and on reddit I was told height would make me a dramatic? But i look nothing like that, and I have always been told i look smaller than i actually am so I dont know…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for asking, Gus! Yes, I’d say that you’re a theatrical romantic, but I have to admit the topic of height is a divisive one when it comes to Kibbe body types. I’m on the side of ‘your height can’t restrict your body type’ because a) what average height changes depending on where you’re from and b) I don’t think just one feature should be the determining factor for the body type, since it’s really about the overall look, holistically determined by all the features

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Rebekah for your help! I think the controversy comes from the fact that Kibbe does not have many body types for tall women,so sometimes happens that you have a similar type to one of the smaller ones but since it does not truly fit, you get crammed into a type you dont fit entirely. i think body shape should be taken as much into account as your perceived stature,but well… i´m new to kibbe, i could be wrong

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, I think the controversy tends to come from the same thing. With only dramatic, soft dramatic, flamboyant natural, and maybe natural and dramatic classic being considered for women who are tall, it tends to cause people to be assigned a type that doesn’t truly fit them.

        I understand why Kibbe considers height such an important factor, but given that what’s considered average height varies so much depending on where you live in the world, and how people can look taller or shorter than they actually are, I think that restricting body types based on height isn’t a productive choice.


  46. Hii!!!
    I’ve been told I could be FG, a curvy SD or a narrow TR. I’m 167cm. I’m very lost and I don’t know what to think anymore. I trust your judgement.
    My answers:
    1. A)
    2. A) but not very narrow
    3. B)
    4. B)

    5. D)
    6. A)
    7. D)
    8. D)
    9. C) maybe slightly D)

    10. C)
    11. A)
    12. D)
    13. D) I have big eyes, almond shaped and slightlu upturned
    14. D)
    15. C)


  47. Hi, please could you determine my results… l am a bit of a mixed bag!

    1-b – vertical line
    2-b – Shoulders
    3-b – Arms
    4-c – hands and feet
    5-c – torso
    6-a – bust
    7-c – waist
    8-c – hips
    9-c – arms and thighs
    10-a – jaw
    11-a – nose
    12-a – cheekbones
    13-a – eyes
    14-a – lips
    15-a – cheeks

    I have a boney face with square angular jaw, long nose with a fleshy tip. proportionately small waist and large head. My limbs are proportionately long but l am short waisted.

    What an earth do you make of me?!

    Thank you x


    I have very fine hair which is very straight even though hormonal changes in pregnancy have caused some very weak waves.

    5ft and 4 and a 3/4”


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