Body Type Test (2020 Version)

Almost a year ago I made and published a post on how to figure out your Kibbe body type, and after receiving hundreds of comments on it with people asking for help on how to figure their body type, I’ve worked on improving the body type test.

This test works no matter what your gender or biological sex is. The questions about waist and hip shape have been modified a bit, and the bust question can be skipped.

WARNING: If you have gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, or have struggled with eating disorders and you’re worried this test may be triggering for you, please don’t take it. Your boundaries and mental health are important, so don’t push yourself past your limits.


To start, make sure that you can properly analyze your body and bone structure when doing this test. This means you will either need a photograph of yourself or a mirror. Make sure that you’re wearing tight clothing or undergarments/swimsuit, so that you can see your underlying bone structure.

As a warning, glasses can distort the look of your face (especially cheekbones), so you may need to remove them when analyzing your face. High heels can distort the look of your bone structure.

If using a photograph of yourself, make sure the camera is at chest level, perpendicular to the ground, and placed far enough back for your entire body to be in frame. This will give the proper perspective of your body.

Make sure the camera is at chest height and a few feet away, so that you get an accurate picture of your proportions.

When recording your answers, make sure to keep things separated into the sections that are outlined in this test. It’ll make it easier for me to help you if you’re struggling with interpreting the results.

Remember to choose the answer that best describes your body. If you’re having a lot of difficulty analyzing yourself, then consider booking a consult with me, and I’ll help you determine your body type!

I decided to omit the illustrations and pictures with this version of the test, as I’m worried that the illustrations I made could throw people off, since there are usually so many different examples for each answer.

If you’re looking for a test with pictures, try taking Aly Art’s version of the test on YouTube.

Bone Structure of the Body

Q1. How tall do you look?

(This isn’t about how tall you actually are. This is about how tall you look like you are, based on how large or small your head is in comparison to the rest of your body. If you’re having difficulty with this question, try taking a full-body picture of yourself and ask some friends if you look tall, moderate, or short in it.)

A) Quite tall
B) Slightly tall
C) Average height
D) Slightly short
E) Quite short or petite

Q2. What is the shape of your shoulders?

(Don’t compare your shoulders to your head, compare them to the rest of your body.)

A) Sharp and angular
B) Beveled and broad
C) Neither very sharp nor very rounded
D) Slender and rounded
E) Wide and rounded

Q3. How long do your arms look?

(This is about the bone structure of your arms, so ignore the shape of the flesh on your upper arms.)

A) Long and slender
B) Long and wide
C) Neither long nor short, evenly proportioned
D) Short and slender
E) Short and wide

Q4. How long do your legs look?

(This is about the bone structure of your legs, so ignore the shape of the flesh on your thighs.)

A) Long and slender
B) Long and wide
C) Neither long nor short, evenly proportioned
D) Short and slender
E) Short and wide

Q5. What best describes the shape of your hands?

A) Long and narrow
B) Long and broad
C) Not noticeably long or short, evenly proportioned
D) Short and narrow
E) Short and wide

Q6. What best describes the shape of your feet?

A) Long and narrow
B) Long and wide
C) Not noticeably long or short, evenly proportioned
D) Small and narrow
E) Small and wide

Q7. What best describes the shape of your torso*?

(This question involves the flesh of the waist, but more importantly it involves the shape of the rib cage, which is why I decided to include it in the bone structure section.)

A) Long and narrow, slightly tapered
B) Long and wide (could be straight or thick depending on weight)
C) Balanced, neither noticeably long nor noticeably short (slightly defined if female)
D) Short and narrow (sharply defined if female)
E) Short and slightly wide (softly defined if female)

Q8. What best describes the shape of your hips*?

(This question involves the flesh of the hips, but more importantly it involves the shape of the hipbones, which is why I decided to include it in the bone structure section.)

A) Long, narrow, and slightly tapered
B) Long and wide (tapering into a V shape if male, or straight if female)
C) Balanced, evenly proportioned with the rest of your body
D) Short and soft (but slightly narrow)
E) Short, soft, and wide

Facial Bones

Q9. What best describes the shape of your jawline?

(Keep in mind the points at the corners of your jawline as well as the shape of your chin.)

A) Sharp and angular
B) Blunt and wide
C) Neither very sharp nor very rounded
D) Rounded and slender
E) Rounded and softly wide

Q10. What best describes the shape of your nose?

(It’s important to look at your nose in both profile and front view, as sometimes aquiline noses can appear slightly rounded at the tip when viewed from the front, even though they’re sharp in profile.)

A) Long and sharp
B) Wide and beveled
C) Neither sharp nor rounded, not very small or wide
D) Narrow and small
E) Rounded, perhaps softly wide

Q11. What best describes the shape of your cheekbones?

(Ignore what the shape of your cheeks are, and look at only the actual bone structure. The shape of the cheeks will be addressed later. If you’re having difficulty seeing the shape, you may need to feel the shape with your fingers.)

A) Prominent and sharp
B) Wide and beveled
C) Neither very sharp or very rounded
D) Narrow and rounded
E) Rounded and wide

Flesh of the Body

Q12. How would you describe your bust, in proportion to the rest of your body?

(This question can be skipped.)

A) Flat and taut
B) Widely spaced, not very prominent
C) Balanced, not noticeably small or large
D) Fairly large and soft
E) Quite prominent

Q13. How would you describe the flesh on your upper arms?

(If you carry a lot of weight on your arms, you may think the only answers that describe your arms are B or E, but look at the shape of the flesh – is it rounded or straight? And remember to consider your flesh in proportion to the rest of your body.)

A) Taut and straight
B) Wide and straight
C) Balanced, not very taut nor very soft
D) Soft and slender
E) Soft and wide

Q14. How would you describe the flesh on your thighs?

(If you carry a lot of weight on your thighs, you may think the only answers that describe your thighs are B or E, but look at the shape of the flesh – is it rounded or straight? And remember to consider your flesh in proportion to the rest of your body.)

A) Taut and straight
B) Wide and straight
C) Balanced, not very taut or very soft
D) Soft and slender
E) Soft and wide

Facial Features

Q15. What best describes the shape of your eyes?

A) Straight, and narrow or close-set
B) Straight, and long or wide-set
C) Not very rounded or straight, not noticeable large or small
D) Slightly rounded or upturned
E) Large and rounded

Q16. What best describes the shape of your lips?

A) Thin and angular
B) Thin and straight
C) Not very full or thin, not very rounded or angular
D Full and slightly angular
E) Full and rounded

Q17. What best describes the flesh on your cheeks?

(Ignore your cheekbones and focus just on the flesh of your face. Smiling can help you determine if your cheeks tend towards angularity or softness.)

A) Taut and flat
B) Wide and muscular
C) Not very soft or tight
D) Soft but slender
E) Soft and wide, creates a rounded shape

Now that you have all of your answers written down, it’s time to move on to the results.

336 thoughts on “Body Type Test (2020 Version)

  1. Thanks, Rebekah for your answer!
    But one of the characteristic aspects of gamine lines is the compact shape, short line, etc. Can a tall person look good in such a thing? Isn’t it all about the length of garments?
    But I feel confused that Kibbe classified only short people to be playful beauty, like everyone who is tall and narrow can be only majestic, serious, king-like.
    So he is writing about yin/yang balance, so there must be an inverse of every type…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That was something that confused me a lot when I was learning about the Kibbe body types, because even though I’m 5’2″ I have extremely long arms for my height, look much taller than I am (many of my friends who’ve seen me in photos guess my height at 5’5″ to 5’8″), and I have long legs, but wearing elongated lines just looks weird, despite these very prominent characteristics making me look not as short and compact as other soft gamines.

      But that’s because gamines are really about a mixture in the lines of their bodies. The short jumps between types of features is what makes the short lines look really good on members of the gamine family.

      But at the end of the day, it isn’t really about the labels of the body types. If you feel most beautiful in the lines of a body type that supposedly isn’t your own, then I suggest wearing those lines anyways! Clothing, in my opinion, should be about wearing what you feel best in.


      1. Dear Rebekah,

        as many others I do too struggle to interpret my test results. May I ask for your advice – I am not sure whether I a dramatic classic, or just a classic.

        Here are my results: I am 5’4:

        bone structure
        1C, 2B, 3D, 4B

        body flesh
        5C, 6C, 7C, 8C, 9B

        10B, 11A, 12B, 13E, 14C, 15B, 16C

        Thank you so much in advance,
        best Anna


      2. Hello! Can you maybe help me with detwrmining which type is my body?
        I have ( 6A, 2B, 3C, 3D, 3E ):


      3. I was wondering my test results I hope you can help me figure it out.

        Bone Structure:
        B, E, C, B, D
        Facial bones:
        Flesh of body:
        Facial Features:


      4. Hello, Rebekah! My results are mostly E’s, but I’m wondering if the sprinkling of B and D answers (and a few answers being mixed in general) in bone structure and facial features could indicate that I am possibly a Theatrical Romantic?

        My results are:
        Bone Structure
        1. D/E
        2. mix of B and E
        3. E
        4. E
        5. E
        6. E
        7. mix of B and E
        8. E
        Facial Bones
        9. E
        10. E
        11. E
        Flesh of the Body
        12. E
        13. E
        14. E
        Facial Features
        15. D
        16. D
        17. E


    2. Hello Rebekah! I’d like to update my comment.
      I am 172cms tall and weigh 52.5kgs
      These are my answers
      Bone structure
      1 B
      2 C
      3 a
      4 d
      Body flesh
      5 e
      6 b
      7 e
      8 e
      9 d
      Facial features
      10 e
      11 d
      12 b
      13 a
      14 e
      15 d
      16 a


  2. C
    (They’re sloped and they are sharp at the end)
    Looks like Taylor swift legs with her weight gain
    A mixture of A and D
    E (Looks exactly like Kate Winslet’s nose)


  3. Hey Rebekah! I don’t think you replied to my comment, but here are my results (thank you so much)

    (They’re sloped and they are sharp at the end)
    Looks like Taylor swift legs with her weight gain
    A mixture of A and D
    E (Looks exactly like Kate Winslet’s nose)

    4A 2B 5C 4D


  4. Hi I was wondering if you could help me out with my answers? I’m a little between a couple of types and would like an expert opinion. I’m very hourglass with softish flesh but my jaw is quite strong and the flesh on my face is not as soft.
    Answers : 1B 2C 3C 4C 5A 6E 7D 8E 9A 10D 11B 12D 13E 14D 15 E 16A 17D.
    Thank you in advance!


  5. Hey there , thanks for updating the Kibbe test! This was a lot easier to understand 🙂
    However I’m not sure what I could be ; here are my results there are quite mixed , I would really appreciate it if you could help me interpret them! Thanks x

    Bone Structure
    1) D
    2) C
    3) A
    4) E
    5) E
    6) B
    7) E
    8) D

    Facial Bone
    9) C
    10) A
    11) C
    12) D
    13) D
    14) E

    Facial Features
    15) E
    16) E
    17) E


  6. Bone Structure of the Body
    How Tall Do You Look?: A
    Shoulders: E
    Length of arms: A
    Length of legs: A
    Hands: D
    Feet: D
    Shape of torso: E
    Hips: E

    Facial Bones
    Jawline: E
    Nose: E
    Cheeks: B

    Flesh of the Body
    Bust: E
    Upper Arms: E
    Thighs: E

    Facial Features:
    Eyes: D
    Lips: A
    Cheeks: D

    Would I be Soft Gamine, Theatrical Romantic or Soft Dramatic? Despite my one B answer I don’t think I’d be classed as a Natural, right? Any insights welcome! 🙂


  7. I’m confused about my type
    Bone structure
    Vertical line : c I’m 159 cm if that helps and people usually guess that or 160 cm as my height
    Shoulders: b
    Arms: d
    Legs: d
    Hands : e
    Feet: b
    Torso: e
    Hips: d

    Facial bones
    Jawline: e
    Nose: b
    Cheekbones: e

    Flesh on body
    Bust: e
    Flesh on arms and thighs : e

    Facial Features
    Eyes: d
    Lips: d
    Flesh on cheeks: e


  8. Hi Rebekah! I just discovered this

    1. B
    2. (Sloped and sharp at the end)
    3. A
    4. A
    5. D
    6. c
    7. C
    8. C
    9. C but it is a little more on the sharp side
    10. E
    11. D/E
    12. C
    13. A
    14. D
    15. D
    16. C
    17. E


  9. Hi! Thank you for the new version of the test – the descriptions are much clearer, and dividing some of the questions into separate ones was much needed.

    I am still a little confused by my results, as each time I take the test, each part has mixed possible answers. I’d be grateful on a tip how to simplify or interpret the results, specifically if one feature has both yin and yang aspects.

    My bone and facial bone section of the test has a few C answers, but they don’t show up in the flesh section. It looks like my bones are balanced + a mix of yin and yang, and even yin dominant in the skeleton section in the test but – I question that, and my flesh is a mixture of AB/DE without Cs. I got typed from photos as FG, SG, and SN, or even TR.
    I have a mix of opposites – eg narrow chest +large bust, which makes it extremely difficult to interpret it into one type.

    I am tending towards one of the gamine types, but the fact that my bust is quite large (yin) but my flesh is yang overall, and my bones are not very yang at all- even yin, makes it hard to know which one, as neither seems fully right.

    Body Bones:
    Height: D or E (163cm, large head, but people do not guess my height as shorter or petite)
    Torso/leg proportion is balanced, but the leg/torso ratio is more typical for male skeletons & not sure to how reflect that in my answers.

    Shoulders: C
    Arms: C +some sharpness in elbows (D or A?)
    Legs: C + some bluntness in knees (B)

    Hands: C + E, possibly some B (objectively short and angularly wide but look balanced for my size)
    Feet: C+ E (objectively short and wide, but look balanced for my size)

    Torso: A or B – long, straight, not tapered, moderately narrow/wide
    Hips: B and C -Long, but high hip is narrower than low hip so not fully B, balanced -same width as shoulders.

    Facial bones:

    Jaw line: C
    Nose: A+B
    Cheek bones: C


    Bust: D ( I add weight here)
    Arms: B
    Legs:A+ B + some E (very hard muscle, taught in most places, but soft and fleshy in the inner thigh. Very large in profile) ( I add weight here)

    Facial flesh:

    Eyes: D or E
    Lips: D or E
    Cheeks: B

    I’d be grateful for some advice, thank you.


    1. Thank you, Anna, I’m glad that you like this version of the test! This may seem a bit strange, but based on your results and description of yourself, I’m actually leaning more towards you being a soft classic.

      You see, I common problem I see classics getting into when typing themselves is having difficulty interpreting their results as C, especially in bone structure, and it seems like quite a few of your answers are proportionate and balanced in comparison to the rest of your body. Of your not C answers, you have slightly more soft ones than sharp ones, which is why I think you might be a soft classic.

      There’s also the thing of soft naturals sometimes being typed as soft classics, and vice versa (and you said that sometimes people say you look like a SN), because both body types look fairly moderate, just in different ways, if that makes sense?

      Anyways, here’s the link to my SC Pinterest board:

      Also, if you feel like soft classic doesn’t fit for you, you can also try reverse-engineering your lines. You said that you lean towards gamine a bit, so you can also try some soft gamine clothing and see how you feel when wearing them.


      1. Hi Rebekah,

        Thank you for taking time to help with this.

        I actually started off thinking I am SC, but I moved away from the type because some things do not fit for me, notably I feel I need more yang elements near my face and the SC and SG recommendations include too much roundedness. Eg I need V necks, scarves, mock necks, big collars, turned up collars, etc. A round -neck t-shirt will get tucked into my bra straps to create a straight line under a jacket, for example, or be worn with a scarf.

        I actually feel that there is either a strong yang under current, or even yang dominance somewhere in my body- probably in my facial features, but that is difficult to pinpoint in the test answers – so none of the soft/rounded or yin dominant types feel right because of that.

        I can cope with some moderate acknowledgement of curves or softness, just not very round shoulders, or round necklines.

        I need:
        – moderate to strong breast -deemphasis.
        – moderate to strong waist emphasis. Trapeze shaped dresses are ok too. But anything that is shaped like a tube, eg a t-shirt, will leave a sack-shaped void around my waist, and look boxy.
        – relatively high-waisted trousers. low rise will not work.
        – some structure or flowiness around my shoulders it better than fitting, non-emphasised looks. Structure or emphasis around neck/shoulder is preferable, or a v-neck.

        – Worst look is breast emphasis/ shoulder de-emphasis – eg a tight dress with tight and long arms and a round neckline will age me, coats and jackets without a collar are also ageing. I see quite a few such looks in SC recommendations, so I know it’s not for me.
        – small patterns wash me out

        What possible other types does this lead to?


      2. Thanks for commenting again, Anna! Based on those clothing lines I’m thinking maybe soft natural or natural. Here are the links to my SN and N Pinterest boards:


  10. 1.C
    2.D (Sloped and sharp at the end)


  11. 1.B
    2.Sloped rounded and sharp at the end

    Thank you!


  12. hey I always have a really hard time trying to figure out what I am because my body is so different to my facial features. these are my results
    Bone structure
    7B, 1D
    Facial bones
    2B, 1C
    Flesh of the body
    1C, 1A, 1B
    Facial features
    2E, 1B
    if you could help me with a type that would be great!


  13. Hi Rebekah,

    Please could you help me with my Kibbe type?

    C) Average height
    C) Neither very sharp nor very rounded
    C) Neither long nor short, evenly proportioned
    C) Neither long nor short, evenly proportioned
    C) Not noticeably long or short, evenly proportioned
    D) Small and narrow
    E) Short and slightly wide (softly defined if female)

    Flesh and Features
    D) Short and soft (but slightly narrow)
    C) Neither very sharp nor very rounded
    B) Wide and beveled
    C) Neither very sharp or very rounded
    E) Quite prominent
    D) Soft and slender
    E) Soft and wide
    D) Slightly rounded or upturned
    E) Full and rounded
    D) Soft but slender

    Thank you!


  14. Hi , thanks for updating the Kibbe test! This was a lot easier to understand. You helped me analize an older test I took a while ago and it came out DC. After trying the lines and learning more about myself and Kibbe it didn’t seem to sit quite right. I have retaken the updated test and I got very different answers. Would you be so kind as to help me interpet my results again.
    10. A
    17.D or possibly C
    Thanks again for your time and effort on making these posts for us. Will be happy to take the survey once I have an answer! Cx


  15. bone structure
    1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7C, 8C

    facial bones
    9A, 10A, 11A

    12C, 13A, 14A,

    15C, 16D, 17A


  16. Hi, Rebekah 😊
    I gave up on this for a while because I don’t seem to fit any type clearly. My face is very yang but my body is a mixture. Kibbe doesn’t describe any type like that. Maybe you can help me.
    Here are my answers: Skeleton D, B(slightly E??), D, D, C, C, E, E. Facial bones, A, B, A. Flesh, C, B, A. Facial features, A, A, C
    I’m 5’2. I don’t think I’m a classic, as I have asymmetry in my face. My torso is curvy, but I’m definitely not voluptuous. My shoulders are wide and strong-looking, but rounded on the edges.
    Thank you💕


  17. Hello! I’m super confused with my type since I’m 5’4” and my face seems more soft classic while my body seems more soft gamine. Thanks for your help!

    1.B (although my head is a bit more on the larger side compared to the rest of my body however I do have longer arms and legs so it “evens out” )
    2.C (sloped but sharp at the ends)
    7.short torso, however it is not really defined. It’s more like a mixture of b and c
    8.B. It’s straight around the sides but it also tapers to a pear shape
    11.E ( a mixture of C and E, it’s obvious I have rounded cheekbones however they are not super prominent but they aren’t invisible either
    16.Slightly full but answer C

    Thank you! I know my answers are kind of confusing. But I really appreciate all the work you do!


  18. Bone Structure: 5D 2E 1C
    1-C 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-E 6-D 7-D 8-E

    Facial Bones: 3E
    9-E 10-E 11-E

    Flesh of the Body: 2D 1E
    12-D 13-D 14-E

    Facial Features: 2C 1E
    15-C 16-C 17-E

    Total: 7D 7E 3C


  19. 1.C/D
    2.C but sharp at the end.
    6.A (size 6) but the appearance is long and narrow but the actual size is pretty small
    8. B
    12.A/b it’s flat and taut but it’s widely spaced


      1. Hello Rebekah! Thank you for responding. I’m just curious, doesn’t soft dramatic need to be very busty and curvy? I’m not really that and I’m not super tall either. 🙂 I always thought I was some sort of a gamine since I have long limbs but also perhaps soft classic? I’m super confused. Regardless, I love your work!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much! That makes more sense 🙂 I’ve seen descriptions online about flamboyant gamines where you have to have large eyes and full lips, but I’m not sure if that’s true. Can you clarify whether having large eyes and full lips is a requirement for being a FG or what makes a FG? Thank you! I’m trying to learn more about the Kibbe system and you’re the best resource I’ve found so far ❤ Happy holidays

        Liked by 1 person

      3. While that is a tendency, it isn’t always the case. FGs have a mixture of yin and yang features (one of the most prominent yin ones being height), and the rest tend to be mixed across the different answers. The general tendency is that FGs have more yin in their facial features (so large eyes and full lips) but because it’s a mixture of yin and yang features, you can have different combinations that still have the overall balance of a flamboyant gamine, if that makes sense?

        Happy holidays to you too! ❤


  20. Hi Rebekah,
    I’m somewhat at a loss: I did the test multiple times, but my answers are almost evenly between B and C? Here are the answers in detail, maybe you could help me:
    1 B, 2 B, 3C, 4 C, 5 C, 6 C, 7 B, 8 B
    9 B or C? (not actually wide but the chin maybe a bit blunt?), 10 A or C? (bit long? and pointy at the tip, but not actually large/wide), 11 C
    12 B, 13 & 14 B or C
    15 B, 16 C? (the upper more thin and angular and the lower more full and round?), 17 B or C

    Since my face has some asymmetry, I can’t imagine to be a C-


  21. What do you think of these results? I’m quite fine boned and tallish and my hipbones are wider than my shoulders. I wouldn’t say my eyes are round, they’re more downturned, but the “rounded” answer was probably the closest on the quiz??

    1. B
    2. D
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A
    6. C
    7. C
    8. E
    9. C
    10. C
    11. A
    12. A
    13. D
    14. A
    15. E
    16. C
    17. B


  22. Hello Rebekah! Thank you for creating such a great post about body types. I’m having some trouble figuring mine out, could you help? Here are my results:
    1. B
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B/C (I am fairly tall at 5’7”, but my legs don’t seem to be where I have most of my height. Yes they look long, but perhaps it is just because my vertical line is long?)
    5. A
    6. A
    7. A
    8. B (this one was also tricky, as I am fairly pear-shaped yet slender and wasn’t quite sure how to interpret that.)
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. C
    13. D
    14. D
    15. A
    16. E
    17. A (also rather tricky to understand- I have a long-ish soft oval face, yet when I smile it becomes much pointier. The flesh on my cheeks is fairly flat from my cheekbones to my jaw, yet still soft.)
    Thank you in advance!


  23. Hi! I love this new version of the test, is so clear but still im still struggling to find with my ID :c, any type of help would be really cool

    Body Structure
    Vertical Line: A (Im fairly tall at 5´7, but people always think I´m even taller)
    Shoulders: A
    Arms: A
    Legs: A, but might be B, cause I see some wideness at the knees but my ankles are really thin
    Hands: Probably A. Might be D, I have long and thin fingers but overall hands are small
    Feet: D
    Torso: D, I got long legs and arms but a short and narrow torso
    Hips: A

    Facial bones
    Jawline: A
    Nose: A or B,
    Cheekbones: A

    Bust: D
    Arms: A
    Legs: D

    Facial flesh

    Eyes: A or D; They are slightly rounded, slightly almond-shaped and quite close-set
    Lips: D
    Cheeks: D

    I’d be grateful for some advice, thank you.


  24. Hey Rebekah,
    What are your thoughts on these results? Never sure if I’m SG, TR, or FG. So I feel like I’m a pure G. I’m 5 ft 3 inch. Short legs arms. Long straight torso. Small head. Angular face. A mix bag.
    bone structure
    4d, 1c, 1e,1a,1b
    Facial bones
    Body flesh
    Facial features


  25. Hi! I think I’m a Soft Natural but I’m not very sure…

    1 B
    2 C
    3 B
    4 B
    5 B
    6 B
    7 C
    8 D
    9 D
    10 A
    11 D
    12 D
    13 C
    14 C
    15 E
    16 E
    17 C

    Height: 166 cm


  26. Hello!, Thank you for the test. Could you help me with the results?
    If you can give me some example of the type of body it would be great. Thanks!.


  27. Hi Rebekah! Thanks so much for this article and the update. I am struggling to figure out my type, and could use your help! I am 5’3”, with thin fingers (size 3 ring size) and small hands and feet. I am very small busted, but somewhat hippy (I wear a smaller size up top than I do at the bottom, so I’m not proportionate this way).

    Bone Structure: 4D, 1A, 2C, 1E
    Facial Bones: 2D, 1E
    Flesh and Body: 1D, 1E (I skipped #12 because you said I could and because no answer was suitable!)
    Facial Features: 1D, 1C, 1E

    Please help! Thanks so much! 🙂


  28. Hello Rebekah, can you please help me out 🙂 Thank you in advance and you’re amazing at what you do!

    Bone Structure: 3D, 5E

    Facial bones: 2D, 1E

    Flesh and Body: 1D, 2E

    Facial Features: 3D

    I am stuck between romantic and theatrical romantic , I guess.
    Thank you!


  29. Helllo, Rebekah I’m new to kibbe body types and have been taking the test multiple times but I’m still unsure, if you you please help me with the results. Thank you



  30. Hello Rebekah, could you help me identify my results? My height is 175 cm so I’m not sure

    I got



  31. Hi Rebekah! I took the quiz a few times to try and figure out what type I fit into. I pretty consistently get almost equal parts C and E (they might be different from each other by 1), and one D. Bone structures are more C and facial features are more E. I think I’m a Soft Classic, but I’m not sure. I’m around 5’5″, but I don’t seem short. I also don’t seem delicate by the Romantic definition. Could you please help? Thank you!


  32. Bone Structure: C, C, A, A, D, D, E, D
    Facial Bones: D, C, C
    Flesh: D, D, E
    Facial Features: A, E, D


  33. Here’s my stuff!

    Overall Bone Structure:
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. C
    Flesh on the Body
    1. D
    2. D
    3. B
    4. B
    5. E
    Facial Features
    1. C
    2. C
    3. D
    4. A
    5. A
    6. C

    PLease Email me if possible with results because I’m on my school device and most of the stuff on here is blocked… If you could that would be very helpful!!!

    Thank you!


  34. Hey Rebekah,

    Could you help me out with my results, please?

    Bone Structure of the Body: C, B, A, B, B, A, B, B
    Facial Bones: B, A, B
    Flesh of the Body: B, A, B
    Facial Features: B, C, A

    My measurements are;
    Height: 5 foot 5 inches
    Shoulders: 40 inches
    Bust: 34 inches
    Waist: 30 inches
    Hips: 37 inches

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. 1.C
    2.(sloped and sharp at the end)

    Hello Rebekah! I used to think I was a flamboyant gamine, but I’m starting to think I am a soft gamine. May you please help me with this? Thank you


  36. Hi Rebekah. I love your blog. Can you help me with my type:
    I got:
    1. B
    2. A
    3. A
    4. A
    5. B
    6. B
    7. D
    8. B
    9. D
    10. E
    11. B
    12. A
    13. A
    14. A
    15. A
    16. E
    17. D


  37. Hi Rebekah, I thought I was either a dramatic classic or a flamboyant gamine, however, I think I’m neither! Based on my answers, I feel like I’m a soft natural. What do you think?
    I’m 166 cm tall, so not very tall. I have a fleshy face with small eyes and full lips. I tend to gain weight around my waist and have love handles afterwards, etc. I think you get the idea. If I gain more than 10 kilograms, it’s more even but a bit heavier on top of my body.
    My answers: 1b, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9e, 10b, 11b , 12b, 13b, 14b, 15b, 16d, 17d


  38. Hi!
    Body bones: 6A 1D
    Face bones: 2D 1E
    Body flesh: 3D
    Face flesh: 1A 1 D 1E

    Noteworthy: I’m almost 6ft and am sometimes told I look even taller than that.


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