
Welcome to the ‘About’ section of my blog! I’m going to be honest with you, I’m not great at writing ‘about’ sections. No matter how many advice posts I read about them, things just don’t come out right. So let’s start with the basic info you could want to know about me.

My name is Rebekah, I’m 5’2″ in height (give or take about a half inch), and I was born under the sign of Cancer. When it comes to my body type I’m a soft gamine, and my main topics of writing are the Kibbe body types, aesthetics, fashion, and beauty.

Why do I write about these?

Because I want people to fall in love with themselves and feel like they can decorate their bodies to show off their most beautiful features.

I struggled with not loving my body and my face (especially my face) for a long time. The earliest I can remember disliking my body was when thinking that the shape of my legs was weird when I was six years old. Six years old! Any age is too young to be upset with your appearance, but at six years old I wasn’t even old enough to understand why I didn’t love the way that I looked. And this subtle distaste for my own appearance only grew as I entered my teenage years.

Discovering the Kibbe body types was really helpful in learning to love the way I look. And so now as young woman, I hope that by sharing my interpretation of the Kibbe body types I can help others learn to the love the way they look as well!

Exploring the beauty of my own body and what I put on it has helped me feel glamorous, happy, and comfortable, and so I hope that this blog will help you feel the same.

Please note: I’m not affiliated with David Kibbe in any way. What I write is my interpretation of what he wrote in his book ‘Metamorphosis’, what I’ve learned from YouTube videos about the body types, and has a special blend of my own biases, interests, and style influences.

Anyways, I hope you find my content enjoyable! If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations, feel free to leave me a comment, or contact me.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! I am starting a podcast called The Ambitious Woman…. could I feature you and your consults, could we discuss?? No fee, honest fan of Kibbe system though a rookie!!

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