Getting Started

If you’re new to the Kibbe body types, then you’ve come to the right place.

The Kibbe body types are a system of 13 body types which are holistically determined by the shape and lines of the body and face. Unlike with other body type systems, the clothing, hair, and makeup suggestions are designed to harmonize with these lines, rather than try to ‘correct’ them.

I think that this is a really important system to have, as it’s a system that has contributed a lot the process of learning to love myself and my body.

A line art drawing of a hand holding a pen

1. Take the body type test

The first step you should do is take the body types test. Remember to record your results!

If you prefer a shorter test that has some images to it, you can also take a look at my old version of the test. (However I find it less accurate than my newer version of the test.)

A line art drawing of a laptop with hands typing at the keyboard

2. Figure out your results

Once you’ve taken the body types test, take a look at what the body type test results. If you’re having difficulty interpreting them, just leave me a comment and I’ll help you out.

Once you’ve figured out your body type, you can help me out by filling my body type poll. It only takes a minute, and it really helps me out!

A line art drawing of someone scrolling through pictures on a tablet

3. Learn about your body type

Here are some resources that will be helpful for this:
Overview of the Kibbe Body Types (Blog Post)
Signature Looks for the Body Types (Blog Post)
Aly Art (YouTube Channel)
Merriam Style (YouTube Channel)

If you’re not fond of your results, or find they don’t fit your body, then I suggest trying out some of the other body types’ line recommendations. It can be difficult to be objective with our own bodies, which can lead to answering some of the questions incorrectly.

If you’re having difficulty with your body type, here are some helpful posts for you:
1. What to do if You Can’t Figure Out Your Kibbe Body Type (Blog Post)
2. 5 Signs You Have the Wrong Kibbe Body Type (Blog Post)
3. Three Signs You Have the Wrong Kibbe Body Type (YouTube video by Merriam Style)
4. Confused by the Kibbe Test? Try This!! (YouTube video by Merriam Style)
5. Same face, different Kibbe type (face doesn’t match body??) (YouTube video by Merriam Style)


Q. My face doesn’t match with my body! How does this affect my results?
A. Since the body type is holistically determined by the face and body, you can’t ignore your facial bones and features when figuring out your results. For example, if you have a lot of B+E answers in your face, you could be soft natural or soft gamine depending on what your body answers are, so never ignore the body or face.

Q. Can I be a tall romantic/short dramatic?
A. Of course! While romantics tend to be short, and dramatics tend to be tall, there are always exceptions. For example, Lucy Liu is 5’3″ and has the dramatic body type. Rihanna is 5’8″ and has the theatrical romantic body type.

Q. I have *insert body type*, can I still wear *insert style*?
A. Yes, for the most part you can wear any type of style no matter what your body type is, it’s just about finding ways to get the elements of your style to match up with the lines of your body (which can be done using silhouette, details, patterns, and so on). The only exception I can think of is when you get into really specific sub-styles.

Q. Do I have to wear my lines 100% of the time? Can I borrow lines from other body types?
A. No, you don’t have to wear your lines 100% of the time. And yes, you can borrow lines from other body types! For example, I’m a soft gamine, and I often borrow lines from the gamine, flamboyant gamine, and soft natural body types.

Q. What aspect of my lines should I prioritize when shopping?
A. In my opinion, it’s always best to prioritize silhouette when shopping for clothing and accessories. A romantic shirt with a square pattern will be better on a romantic than a dramatic shirt with a circle pattern.

Questions, concerns, or suggestions?